The terms Notary Public and Notary Stamp become quite familiar words when anyone is attesting a legal document such as applying for passports, reissuing a passport, women changing their name after marriage, papers of adoption for a child, creating a will, diplomas, employment letters, police clearances, powers of attorney, transcripts, etc.
A Notary Public is a state official who is appointed by that state government to sign important documents, to administer oaths and affirmations and to certify legal documents. A Notary Public seeks to minimize fraud in legal documents and serve people.
The Notary Stamp is a distinctive mark or impression that is made upon an object, a device used to make stamp, or a distinctive sticker applied to an object. Generally, a notary stamp and notary seal are the same thing, and people use the notary seal as a reference to an embossing or raised seal.
The notarizing process is really pretty simple. The person who wants his or her signature notarized must present sufficient evidence to prove his or her identity, and then sign the necessary document with the notary as a witness. The notary completes this process by stamping, sealing, dating, and signing the document. This face-to-face procedure remains deemed legally more authentic because it helps to ensure the authenticity of the signature.
In the United States, a notary official can only affix their stamp or seal next to their signature on a notarial certificate for acknowledgment document. Notary officials cannot sign and stamp without being provided the appropriate and required documents. The notary signature indicates that the notary official performed a notarial act — either an oath or an acknowledgment. The Notary Public stamp provides proof that the person is in fact a certified state Notary Public. To certify a legal document, the document must go to a state certified notary public for signing, with the certified notary public using the notary stamp for completion of the legally mandated authentication process.
For Notary Public signings and stampings of all your important documents use located online at, or 800-807-1260, ext. 1. Have that essential Notary Public signing conveniently, quickly and correctly done at your location by using